Select the white or blue cloud icon in the Windows notification area, and then select OneDrive Help and Settings icon Help & Settings, then Settings, then Backup tab, then Manage backup.


Backup tab in desktop settings for OneDrive


In the Back up your folders dialog, make sure the folders that you want to back up are selected.  If the folders all have a link that says Stop backup, you are already configured to have those folders backing up to your OneDrive. If not, please continue.


Screenshot of the Set up protection of important folders dialog box in OneDrive


Select Start backup.


You can close the dialog box while your files sync to OneDrive. Or, to watch your files sync, select View upload progress. If you already closed the dialog, to open the OneDrive activity center, select the white or blue cloud in the notification area.

This content was copied and revised from and may be outdated if there was an update to OneDrive.  Current steps, as well as additional information can be found at: