Kaltura Capture default recordings folder

The default location for Kaltura Capture recordings are in the following folders for Windows and OSX. Italicized items in brackets [ ] are meant to be edited and customized based on your information:
  • Windows: C:\Users\[your user name]\AppData\Local\Kaltura\Capture\Recordings\
    • Launch File Explorer and either manually navigate to the folder (if you have un-hid system folders in your File Explorer Options control panel), or copy-and-paste a customized version of the above path into the File Explorer location bar. Alternately you can copy and paste this into the File Explorer location bar:
      %localappdata%\Kaltura\Capture\Recordings\  and press Enter:
      A screenshot showing the Windows File Explorer location bar with the text "%localappdata%\Kaltura\Capture\Recordings\" in it.
  • OSX: /Users/[your user name]/Library/Preferences/Kaltura/Capture
    • From the OSX Finder, click Go and select Go to Folder. Enter the folder path based on the path above but customized with your user name:
      Screenshot showing the OSX Finder Go to Folder option with the the Kaltura Capture default capture location for the user "buckybadger"If you're not sure of your username you can double click your hard drive to open and browse it and then double click on the Users folder to see what user folders are available.
Kaltura Capture files are not named in a user-understandable fashion - they are strings of letters and numbers. Do not edit the file names or locations or you will not be able to later upload them with Kaltura Capture to MediaSpace from Kaltura Capture. You can, however, select and copy the files if you want to keep them for later use and reference. You can double click on the MP4 files to launch a video player and review what was recorded. It may also be helpful to look at the file date and time.